The Most Famous Person in Mongolia – Genghis Khan

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The Most Famous Person in Mongolia – Genghis Khan

To no one’s surprise, the Genghis Khan is the most famous in Mongolian history. Genghis Khan was the founder and the first Great Khan (Emperor) of the Mongol Empire. He is a man that plays a major role in a lot of historical events and his descendants have has further solidified his glory and achievements after his passing in 1227.

Today, the Great Khan Genghis is still revered by the Mongolian people. It is easy to find his sculpture, statue, print, and photos on many things such as the Mongolian currency, squares, streets, and even alcohol.

For tourists, the Great Khan serves as a great conversation topic as most Mongolians would have a thing or two to say about the story around the Genghis Khan.

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